The Water Cooler

Bringing you the latest in facilities updates, curated by the Americas iOps team.



Letter from
the Editorial Team

As a global company with local impact we, your Americas Operations Team, wanted to start sharing the latest news and happenings from you and for you. So, allow us to introduce...The Water Cooler. This quarterly newsletter will allow all of us Wiproites in the Americas to gather around the metaphorical water cooler and hear all the office buzz you were missing out on until now. 

Americas Operations works by the motto “Building Better Workplaces.” This newsletter and new iOps website were both created with the same goal of improving the Wiproite experience. So, take a moment to fill up your reusable water bottle and we will spill all about the latest must-know topics from Americas Wipro operations. 

We're kicking off a new year, and want to know: what are some of your goals and aspirations for the year ahead?

Welcome, 2024!